When I don't have any Idea for my next blog!!!
What you do when you don't have topic for your next blog? What do I do? Does anybody know? Well, you know what, let me tell you some tips which I use. Tip number 1 : Do something which you always like. Tip number 2 : Read a story or two to get some ideas. Tip number 3 : If you still haven't got any idea, try doing something new. While doing that you just might get some idea. Tip number 4: Be creative and try to imagine what you might like to do. Well, if none of these work then try making your own idea. It just might work. Let me know if you also have some tips which use to get some ideas. Does any of these tips have ever worked for you as well? Let me know in the comments section... See you soon with a new topic! Enjoy!!!